
Seismic Survey

Industry Code: 09200


This industry involves conducting exploration using seismic technology for the purpose of locating formations beneath the earth"s surface that may produce usable minerals such as coal, or oil and gas.

Operation Details:

The basic procedure used to locate favorable formations beneath the earth's surface is to send shock waves into the ground, and record the patterns on seismic recording equipment.

When exploring for oil and gas, any one of the following three methods may be employed to create the shock waves:
1. Seismographic - Dynamite exploded in a shot hole;
2. Vibraseismic - tractor or truck mounted vibrators which are released to the ground at certain points; and,
3. Vacuum Guns - truck mounted piston strikes base plate to send shock waves through the ground.

When exploring for minerals, such as coal, shock waves are created by means of small hand tools. Larger equipment is not required as mineral formations are generally not located as deep below the surface as are oil and gas.

Sound waves are received through instruments referred to as geophones. The geophones are in turn wired to recording instruments that log the sound wave patterns. The data processing and analysis of the obtained information, may or may not, be a part of the contract.

All employers in this industry are members of Energy Safety Canada (ESC). Safety associations represent the interests of employers and promote workplace safety through education and other initiatives. Improved workplace safety can result in fewer claims and help lower premiums. A portion of premiums collected is allocated to the association to support these initiatives.

Underwriting Considerations:

Cut lines or brush clearing may be required in preparation for seismic activity. This is normally conducted by companies in industry 40604. Land surveying operations conducted independently and prior to seismic work, that establish the exploration site are classified in industry 86401.

This industry does not cover shot hole drilling. This is normally subcontracted out to another company classified in industry 09201. Should an employer conduct drilling in conjunction with the exploration, an additional industry is required.

Geophysical Exploration, other than seismic, is classified in industry 86405. The key difference is the generation and recording of shock waves. Other forms of geophysical exploration use transits and other handheld instruments that make use of visual recordings. Occasionally they may use a form of electrical current to take readings, but again, there are no shock waves generated.

Effective 2025, based on polling results of employers in the industry, this industry will return to Standard Pricing from the Industry Custom Pricing – waiving of cost relief option (ICP-CR). This industry participated in ICP-CR from 2010-2024.

Premium Rate History:


Exploration, Seismic
Geophysical Exploration, Seismic
Seismic Exploration

Rate Group History:

A general review of the petroleum industry was conducted in 1991. As a result, the activities of prospecting/mineral exploration and seismic exploration were consolidated under one industry.

This industry involves conducting exploration using seismic technology for the purpose of locating formations beneath the earth"s surface that may produce usable minerals such as coal, or oil and gas.

Premium Rate History:


Exploration, Seismic
Geophysical Exploration, Seismic
Seismic Exploration

Operation Details:

The basic procedure used to locate favorable formations beneath the earth's surface is to send shock waves into the ground, and record the patterns on seismic recording equipment.

When exploring for oil and gas, any one of the following three methods may be employed to create the shock waves:
1. Seismographic - Dynamite exploded in a shot hole;
2. Vibraseismic - tractor or truck mounted vibrators which are released to the ground at certain points; and,
3. Vacuum Guns - truck mounted piston strikes base plate to send shock waves through the ground.

When exploring for minerals, such as coal, shock waves are created by means of small hand tools. Larger equipment is not required as mineral formations are generally not located as deep below the surface as are oil and gas.

Sound waves are received through instruments referred to as geophones. The geophones are in turn wired to recording instruments that log the sound wave patterns. The data processing and analysis of the obtained information, may or may not, be a part of the contract.

All employers in this industry are members of Energy Safety Canada (ESC). Safety associations represent the interests of employers and promote workplace safety through education and other initiatives. Improved workplace safety can result in fewer claims and help lower premiums. A portion of premiums collected is allocated to the association to support these initiatives.

Underwriting Considerations:

Cut lines or brush clearing may be required in preparation for seismic activity. This is normally conducted by companies in industry 40604. Land surveying operations conducted independently and prior to seismic work, that establish the exploration site are classified in industry 86401.

This industry does not cover shot hole drilling. This is normally subcontracted out to another company classified in industry 09201. Should an employer conduct drilling in conjunction with the exploration, an additional industry is required.

Geophysical Exploration, other than seismic, is classified in industry 86405. The key difference is the generation and recording of shock waves. Other forms of geophysical exploration use transits and other handheld instruments that make use of visual recordings. Occasionally they may use a form of electrical current to take readings, but again, there are no shock waves generated.

Effective 2025, based on polling results of employers in the industry, this industry will return to Standard Pricing from the Industry Custom Pricing – waiving of cost relief option (ICP-CR). This industry participated in ICP-CR from 2010-2024.

Rate Group History:

A general review of the petroleum industry was conducted in 1991. As a result, the activities of prospecting/mineral exploration and seismic exploration were consolidated under one industry.