
Entertainment Equipment - Sales/Service

Industry Code: 67602


The main activity is the retail sale and service of household electronic and entertainment equipment and musical instruments.

Operation Details:

Businesses in this industry sell and service/repair radios, tapedecks, record players, stereos, televisions, VCR's, cameras, video equipment and musical instruments such as violins, violas, cellos, drums, guitars, pianos, etc.

The repair/service of musical instruments may consist of repairing body cracks, regluing seams, installing new bridges and seams, and refinishing. Small handtools are involved in these type of repairs.

Music stores often have music lessons offered either as complimentary to the sale or as regular music lessons. When there is instruction and retail sales combined the entire operations is classified in this industry.

The servicing/repairing of electronic and entertainment equipment consists of small handtools and small electronic measuring and diagnostic machines.

Underwriting Considerations:

Businesses that sell automotive sound systems exclusively are classified in this industry, however, businesses that sell automotive sound systems with other auto accessories are either classified in industry 67300 or 65808.

Furniture and appliances are not sold by employers in this industry, except on a very limited basis.

The sale of home computer equipment is allowed in this industry, as long as it is complimentary to the musical instrument and entertainment equipment sales and service portion.

Premium Rate History:


Bowed Musical Instruments - Repair
Entertainment Equipment - Repair and Service
Entertainment Equipment Stores
Instruments, Musical Bowed - Repair
Televisions and Radios - Retail Sale and Repair
Musical Instrument Stores
Musical Instruments - Repair
Musical Instruments - Sale/Repair
Musical Instruments, Bowed - Repair
Organs - Sale, Service or Repair
Photography Equipment - Repair
Photography Equipment - Repair and Service
Pianos - Sale, Service or Repair
Pianos/Organs - Sale/Repair
Pipe Organs - Sale, Service, Installation or Repair
Radios and Televisions - Repair and Sale

Rate Group History:

This rate group was established in 1995 in recognition of similar activities.

The main activity is the retail sale and service of household electronic and entertainment equipment and musical instruments.

Premium Rate History:


Bowed Musical Instruments - Repair
Entertainment Equipment - Repair and Service
Entertainment Equipment Stores
Instruments, Musical Bowed - Repair
Televisions and Radios - Retail Sale and Repair
Musical Instrument Stores
Musical Instruments - Repair
Musical Instruments - Sale/Repair
Musical Instruments, Bowed - Repair
Organs - Sale, Service or Repair
Photography Equipment - Repair
Photography Equipment - Repair and Service
Pianos - Sale, Service or Repair
Pianos/Organs - Sale/Repair
Pipe Organs - Sale, Service, Installation or Repair
Radios and Televisions - Repair and Sale

Operation Details:

Businesses in this industry sell and service/repair radios, tapedecks, record players, stereos, televisions, VCR's, cameras, video equipment and musical instruments such as violins, violas, cellos, drums, guitars, pianos, etc.

The repair/service of musical instruments may consist of repairing body cracks, regluing seams, installing new bridges and seams, and refinishing. Small handtools are involved in these type of repairs.

Music stores often have music lessons offered either as complimentary to the sale or as regular music lessons. When there is instruction and retail sales combined the entire operations is classified in this industry.

The servicing/repairing of electronic and entertainment equipment consists of small handtools and small electronic measuring and diagnostic machines.

Underwriting Considerations:

Businesses that sell automotive sound systems exclusively are classified in this industry, however, businesses that sell automotive sound systems with other auto accessories are either classified in industry 67300 or 65808.

Furniture and appliances are not sold by employers in this industry, except on a very limited basis.

The sale of home computer equipment is allowed in this industry, as long as it is complimentary to the musical instrument and entertainment equipment sales and service portion.

Rate Group History:

This rate group was established in 1995 in recognition of similar activities.