
Grain/Seed Handling Operations

Industry Code: 52400


Employers in this industry typically operate grain elevators and derive their income from the purchase, storage, and conveyance of grains and seeds. The industry will also cover employers which do not operate elevators but are involved in the trading of seeds and grains which have been grown under contract.

Operation Details:

Elevator companies may deal in Canadian Wheat Board approved grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats; and off Wheat Board seeds such as canola, alfalfa, brome grass, mustard, lentils, clover and sunflowers.

Elevator companies will generally have corporate head offices and a network of grain terminals or elevators linked to railway lines. This industry includes the loading and unloading of grain into elevators or annexes. Elevator operators supervise farmers off loading their grain, the weighing of the grain or seed and its storage. Rail cars are ordered in as required and everyday maintenance of the facility is also part of the duties. Grain is cleaned and shipped by rail, usually to major terminals in British Columbia or the United States. Seeds are cleaned, bagged, and sold to domestic and foreign markets.

Typical grain elevator operations may also include a fertilizer mixing plant or storage shed. The stored mixed fertilizers are synthetic in nature (man made) and may be a granular and liquid blend. The elevator manager or assistant will sell chemicals, feed, supplements and other related agro products such as tarps, twine and vitamins.

Elevator companies may truck grain from annexes to the elevator, haul agro products from their own warehouse to the country elevators, or deliver fertilizer products to the farmer. Transportation services have been expanded to include pick up of grains from the producer and delivery to the terminal. Grain is weighed and graded on site.

Elevator companies have field maintenance crews that replace or repair defective materials or parts. Capital expansion, or major renovations are carried out by either the elevator company's construction crews (classified in Industry 40400 - Industrial/Commercial Construction) or they hire subcontractors. Elevator companies seldom re-side, paint or shingle their own facilities and demolition is subcontracted out to employers in Industry 42156 - Storage Tanks - Erect/Dismantle.

Underwriting Considerations:

This industry will also include seed or grain dealers who arrange for seed production on a contract basis. Such companies (contractors) will make arrangements with farmers to grow specified crops and harvest the seed. These contractors may supervise the planting and harvesting but do not become physically involved. The seed may be loaded directly on to rail cars by the farmer for bulk export or it may be delivered to a handling facility (owned or non-owned by the contractor) for cleaning and bagging prior to export.

Companies which buy and sell grains or seeds without handling, processing or arranging the production, are also included in this industry. These companies are not brokers for WCB purposes, as brokers do not take title to the product.

The rental of fertilizer spreaders and custom fertilizer application is included in this industry as incidental operations when done in conjunction with the operation of country grain elevators. Companies that offer custom application (spreading), sales and distribution of synthetic fertilizers without the operation of a grain elevator are classified in Industry 60800 – Bulk Petroleum Dealers.

The use of vacuum trucks for the removal and disposal of animal waste and plant residues which can act as liquid organic fertilizers is classified in Industry 06306 – Wet/Dry Vacuum Removal.

Custom spreading of manure (solid organic fertilizer) is classified in Industry 02105 – Feed Lot/Corral Cleaning.

Companies which have crops grown under contract to supply their own food processing operations in Alberta would have such operations classified in the appropriate food processing industry. Grain elevator companies will do some seed cleaning prior to export of grains. Any further processing of the grains would require an additional classification in the appropriate processing industry.

Premium Rate History:


Grain and Seed Dealers
Grain Elevators
Seed and Grain Dealers
Seed Production, when Contracted Out

Rate Group History:

There have been no changes to this rate group since major restructuring began in 1990.

Employers in this industry typically operate grain elevators and derive their income from the purchase, storage, and conveyance of grains and seeds. The industry will also cover employers which do not operate elevators but are involved in the trading of seeds and grains which have been grown under contract.

Premium Rate History:


Grain and Seed Dealers
Grain Elevators
Seed and Grain Dealers
Seed Production, when Contracted Out

Operation Details:

Elevator companies may deal in Canadian Wheat Board approved grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats; and off Wheat Board seeds such as canola, alfalfa, brome grass, mustard, lentils, clover and sunflowers.

Elevator companies will generally have corporate head offices and a network of grain terminals or elevators linked to railway lines. This industry includes the loading and unloading of grain into elevators or annexes. Elevator operators supervise farmers off loading their grain, the weighing of the grain or seed and its storage. Rail cars are ordered in as required and everyday maintenance of the facility is also part of the duties. Grain is cleaned and shipped by rail, usually to major terminals in British Columbia or the United States. Seeds are cleaned, bagged, and sold to domestic and foreign markets.

Typical grain elevator operations may also include a fertilizer mixing plant or storage shed. The stored mixed fertilizers are synthetic in nature (man made) and may be a granular and liquid blend. The elevator manager or assistant will sell chemicals, feed, supplements and other related agro products such as tarps, twine and vitamins.

Elevator companies may truck grain from annexes to the elevator, haul agro products from their own warehouse to the country elevators, or deliver fertilizer products to the farmer. Transportation services have been expanded to include pick up of grains from the producer and delivery to the terminal. Grain is weighed and graded on site.

Elevator companies have field maintenance crews that replace or repair defective materials or parts. Capital expansion, or major renovations are carried out by either the elevator company's construction crews (classified in Industry 40400 - Industrial/Commercial Construction) or they hire subcontractors. Elevator companies seldom re-side, paint or shingle their own facilities and demolition is subcontracted out to employers in Industry 42156 - Storage Tanks - Erect/Dismantle.

Underwriting Considerations:

This industry will also include seed or grain dealers who arrange for seed production on a contract basis. Such companies (contractors) will make arrangements with farmers to grow specified crops and harvest the seed. These contractors may supervise the planting and harvesting but do not become physically involved. The seed may be loaded directly on to rail cars by the farmer for bulk export or it may be delivered to a handling facility (owned or non-owned by the contractor) for cleaning and bagging prior to export.

Companies which buy and sell grains or seeds without handling, processing or arranging the production, are also included in this industry. These companies are not brokers for WCB purposes, as brokers do not take title to the product.

The rental of fertilizer spreaders and custom fertilizer application is included in this industry as incidental operations when done in conjunction with the operation of country grain elevators. Companies that offer custom application (spreading), sales and distribution of synthetic fertilizers without the operation of a grain elevator are classified in Industry 60800 – Bulk Petroleum Dealers.

The use of vacuum trucks for the removal and disposal of animal waste and plant residues which can act as liquid organic fertilizers is classified in Industry 06306 – Wet/Dry Vacuum Removal.

Custom spreading of manure (solid organic fertilizer) is classified in Industry 02105 – Feed Lot/Corral Cleaning.

Companies which have crops grown under contract to supply their own food processing operations in Alberta would have such operations classified in the appropriate food processing industry. Grain elevator companies will do some seed cleaning prior to export of grains. Any further processing of the grains would require an additional classification in the appropriate processing industry.

Rate Group History:

There have been no changes to this rate group since major restructuring began in 1990.