
Refractory Linings - Sell/Install

Industry Code: 42158


The term refractory relates to heat resistance. Refractory linings are installed and repaired on chimneys, incinerators, boilers, and furnaces in industrial plant applications.

Operation Details:

The installation of refractory linings (which has high heat resistance) is conducted in much the same manner as laying brick. The 'bricks' are often ceramic-type materials for use in high-temperature structures or equipment, or areas such as near blast furnaces, large industrial kilns, etc. As chimneys and stacks require installation at higher levels, swing stages and scaffolding are required for installation. (Special types of refractories are used in rockets, jets and nuclear power plants.)

Employers may use mixers, trowels, lining cutters, and manlifts/scaffolding/cranes; and may employ technical staff, bricklayers, steeplejacks (craftsmen who build and/or repair steeples, chimney, and other tall masonry structures), sales/estimators, office/administrative staff, and warehouse/drivers.

Underwriting Considerations:

Installing refractory linings is quite similar to laying brick as a broad observation. But the refractory 'brick' or lining is comprised of different material; there are differences in the sealing/bonding/adhesive materials used and differences in its desired/required application. Brick and masonry activity is classified in industry 42102.

Premium Rate History:


Refractory Lining in Furnace/Chimney/Vessel, Install

Rate Group History:

This rate group was established in 1992 in recognition of similar activities and exposures.

The term refractory relates to heat resistance. Refractory linings are installed and repaired on chimneys, incinerators, boilers, and furnaces in industrial plant applications.

Premium Rate History:


Refractory Lining in Furnace/Chimney/Vessel, Install

Operation Details:

The installation of refractory linings (which has high heat resistance) is conducted in much the same manner as laying brick. The 'bricks' are often ceramic-type materials for use in high-temperature structures or equipment, or areas such as near blast furnaces, large industrial kilns, etc. As chimneys and stacks require installation at higher levels, swing stages and scaffolding are required for installation. (Special types of refractories are used in rockets, jets and nuclear power plants.)

Employers may use mixers, trowels, lining cutters, and manlifts/scaffolding/cranes; and may employ technical staff, bricklayers, steeplejacks (craftsmen who build and/or repair steeples, chimney, and other tall masonry structures), sales/estimators, office/administrative staff, and warehouse/drivers.

Underwriting Considerations:

Installing refractory linings is quite similar to laying brick as a broad observation. But the refractory 'brick' or lining is comprised of different material; there are differences in the sealing/bonding/adhesive materials used and differences in its desired/required application. Brick and masonry activity is classified in industry 42102.

Rate Group History:

This rate group was established in 1992 in recognition of similar activities and exposures.