Industry Code: 40905
This classification describes the construction of pipelines for oil and gas principals.
Operation Details:
After clearing the land, for underground pipelines, a trench is excavated of some depth and width. Pipe is 'strung along' by trucks and cranes near the surface edge of the trench. The pipe is lowered into the trench, welded, and the trench backfilled. Activities may include construction of pumping stations or other similar type of compressor station installation along the length or distance of the pipeline (both above and below ground oil and gas pipelines).
Employers may utilize an assortment of mobile equipment, pipe stringers, side booms, trucks, welders, cranes, etc., and may employ equipment operators, designers/engineers/technical staff, labourers, welders, regulatory liaisons, sales/estimators, and office/administrative staff.
All employers in this industry are members of the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA). Safety associations represent the interests of employers and promote workplace safety through education and other initiatives. Improved workplace safety can result in fewer claims and help lower premiums. A portion of premiums collected is allocated to the association to support these initiatives.
Underwriting Considerations:
Businesses that, as a general contractor, construct meter stations, compressor stations, etc., excluding pipeline construction, are classified in Oilfield Construction and Maintenance, industry 06304. Mobile welding units contracted to the principal are classified in industry 89401. Businesses that operate trucks only for the purpose of stringing pipe, or storage yards for the purpose of stacking pipe, are described under one of the trucking classifications.
Effective 2025, based on polling results of employers in the industry, this industry will return to Standard Pricing from the Industry Custom Pricing – waiving of cost relief option (ICP-CR). This industry participated in ICP-CR from 2011-2024.
Premium Rate History:
Pipeline Construction - oil and gas
Rate Group History:
Pipeline Construction, industry 40905, was placed in rate group 421501 in 1992. Effective 1997, rate group 016300 describing landscaping-type activities, and rate group 412401 for right of way maintenance and powerline construction activities, were placed into rate group 421501.
This classification describes the construction of pipelines for oil and gas principals.
Premium Rate History:
Pipeline Construction - oil and gas
Operation Details:
After clearing the land, for underground pipelines, a trench is excavated of some depth and width. Pipe is 'strung along' by trucks and cranes near the surface edge of the trench. The pipe is lowered into the trench, welded, and the trench backfilled. Activities may include construction of pumping stations or other similar type of compressor station installation along the length or distance of the pipeline (both above and below ground oil and gas pipelines).
Employers may utilize an assortment of mobile equipment, pipe stringers, side booms, trucks, welders, cranes, etc., and may employ equipment operators, designers/engineers/technical staff, labourers, welders, regulatory liaisons, sales/estimators, and office/administrative staff.
All employers in this industry are members of the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA). Safety associations represent the interests of employers and promote workplace safety through education and other initiatives. Improved workplace safety can result in fewer claims and help lower premiums. A portion of premiums collected is allocated to the association to support these initiatives.
Underwriting Considerations:
Businesses that, as a general contractor, construct meter stations, compressor stations, etc., excluding pipeline construction, are classified in Oilfield Construction and Maintenance, industry 06304. Mobile welding units contracted to the principal are classified in industry 89401. Businesses that operate trucks only for the purpose of stringing pipe, or storage yards for the purpose of stacking pipe, are described under one of the trucking classifications.
Effective 2025, based on polling results of employers in the industry, this industry will return to Standard Pricing from the Industry Custom Pricing – waiving of cost relief option (ICP-CR). This industry participated in ICP-CR from 2011-2024.
Rate Group History:
Pipeline Construction, industry 40905, was placed in rate group 421501 in 1992. Effective 1997, rate group 016300 describing landscaping-type activities, and rate group 412401 for right of way maintenance and powerline construction activities, were placed into rate group 421501.