
Soft Drinks/Water/Ice - Mfg

Industry Code: 14100


This industry includes businesses that manufacture/package, warehouse and distribute carbonated soft drinks, ice, and bottled water.

Operation Details:

The processes in this industry are generally automated. The activities extend into varying degrees of filtering, sterilization, bottling, distribution and marketing.

Soft drinks are manufactured by mixing together flavor concentrates with carbonated water in large mixing vats. The mixture is then packaged in bottles and/or cans. CO2 gases are purchased from gas manufacturers in canisters to create the carbonation process in the product. The soft drink manufacturer may provide these same CO2 canisters to major soft drink customer outlets (restaurants, concessions, etc.)

Businesses in this industry may extract water from springs by pump, and transport it by tanker truck to filtering facilities. Other businesses use tap water in their filtering facilities. Water is run through a filtering process to purify the waters of minute impurities and sediments. The water is then bottled and ready for market, typically, as drinking water. The product may be distributed through stores and/or delivered for use in water coolers. Bottles and containers are re-usable and thoroughly sterilized before each use. Businesses may also prepare and bottle distilled water, which is water that has been boiled free of impurities, chemicals, minerals, and oxygen.

Businesses in this industry may also sell, rent and service water coolers/dispensers for commercial and residential customers, and may also sell portable filtering systems for use by home owners.

Ice manufacturing is conducted using large freezer tubs of water. The ice is then broken into blocks or ice cubes for packaging and distribution by refrigerated truck.

Underwriting Considerations:

With large soft drink manufacturers who have franchises bottling on their behalf in the province, the industry includes head office personnel engaged to:
- stimulate sales of the products by conducting campaigns to sell or market the product.
- train franchise staff about new equipment, procedures or products.
- conduct quality control inspections or premises, product and method of operation.

Independent distributors, which buy and sell product and are not engaged in any manufacturing or bottling, are classified in industry 69916.

Dry ice manufacturing is classified in industry 38705.

Premium Rate History:


Aerated Water, Mfg
Bottled Water - Mfg
Distilling of Water
Ice - Mfg
Water - Distilling of
Soft Drinks - Mfg

Rate Group History:

This rate group was established in 1992, consolidating similar water and soft drink manufacturing and bottling processes.

This industry includes businesses that manufacture/package, warehouse and distribute carbonated soft drinks, ice, and bottled water.

Premium Rate History:


Aerated Water, Mfg
Bottled Water - Mfg
Distilling of Water
Ice - Mfg
Water - Distilling of
Soft Drinks - Mfg

Operation Details:

The processes in this industry are generally automated. The activities extend into varying degrees of filtering, sterilization, bottling, distribution and marketing.

Soft drinks are manufactured by mixing together flavor concentrates with carbonated water in large mixing vats. The mixture is then packaged in bottles and/or cans. CO2 gases are purchased from gas manufacturers in canisters to create the carbonation process in the product. The soft drink manufacturer may provide these same CO2 canisters to major soft drink customer outlets (restaurants, concessions, etc.)

Businesses in this industry may extract water from springs by pump, and transport it by tanker truck to filtering facilities. Other businesses use tap water in their filtering facilities. Water is run through a filtering process to purify the waters of minute impurities and sediments. The water is then bottled and ready for market, typically, as drinking water. The product may be distributed through stores and/or delivered for use in water coolers. Bottles and containers are re-usable and thoroughly sterilized before each use. Businesses may also prepare and bottle distilled water, which is water that has been boiled free of impurities, chemicals, minerals, and oxygen.

Businesses in this industry may also sell, rent and service water coolers/dispensers for commercial and residential customers, and may also sell portable filtering systems for use by home owners.

Ice manufacturing is conducted using large freezer tubs of water. The ice is then broken into blocks or ice cubes for packaging and distribution by refrigerated truck.

Underwriting Considerations:

With large soft drink manufacturers who have franchises bottling on their behalf in the province, the industry includes head office personnel engaged to:
- stimulate sales of the products by conducting campaigns to sell or market the product.
- train franchise staff about new equipment, procedures or products.
- conduct quality control inspections or premises, product and method of operation.

Independent distributors, which buy and sell product and are not engaged in any manufacturing or bottling, are classified in industry 69916.

Dry ice manufacturing is classified in industry 38705.

Rate Group History:

This rate group was established in 1992, consolidating similar water and soft drink manufacturing and bottling processes.